Starla, Bright and Beautiful Leader
Real Name: Gemma
Jewelstar, Hidden Beauty
Real Name: Devena
Tallstar, Lovely Lookout
Real Name: Cassandra
In ancient times, an evil sorceress became jealous of the Star Sisters’ youth and beauty and trapped them in a shooting star. It was sent hurling through the cosmos until the three women crash-landed on Etheria. There, they remained magically confined in the side of a mountain until the day Swiftwind’s hooves accidently loosened the stone that concealed their prison. She-Ra quickly used her powers to melt away the star that held them captive. In gratitude, the sisters pledged their everlasting friendship. Jewelstar magically conjures gem armor to protect herself and others. Tallstar uses her magic to stretch to unbelievable lengths. Starla, with her pet Glorybird, can sense danger and project spells of light against her foes. Together, they stand side-by-side with She-Ra in the battle for freedom.

Accessories: 3 Individual Star Wands

Additional Parts: The Star Sisters' companion Glorybird is also included in this set- Complete with armor and stand.

In addition, extension pieces for Tallstar's arms, legs, and neck are included to mimic her "stretching" powers-

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