Real Name: Hec-Tor Kur
After being released from exile in Despondos by Evil-Lyn, Hordak returned to Eternia with his ageless army to once again claim its hidden magical properties for his own. Finding his former pupil Skeletor on the throne following the apparent “death” of King Randor, Hordak upgraded his armor with a Hurricane Blaster which he used to challenge the Evil Lord of Destruction and drive the Snake Men back into hibernation. After ripping through the walls of Snake Mountain, Hurricane Hordak casts off his battle shield and advances on Skeletor whirling his thunderball mace!

Accessories: Bat Blades, Thunderball Mace and Fork Pincher/ Shield Arm Attachments

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I think the old format mixed with the new will be the perfect one! I liked the extra comic book pic's of Hordak in action during the review. This was one of the few MOTUC that I skipped. I liked him but I had to make a few cuts and I was disappointed when I saw you couldn't easily switch the armors to make a filmation Hordak like I had hoped. Switching the cowl pieces to make a cape-less classic Hordak was so awesome that I might be forced to E-Bay him now! Plus in one of your comic pic's he has a cape on in hurricane form and looks great so it's a win win switch!
ReplyDeleteI posted this over on YouTube but thought I would put it here too, just in case. Because I really, really care about what you think about me. Really. "The figure pics are really good but I think the best part of your videos is the interaction between you and Blaze, which seems to lose something when we can only hear your voices. I hope you get that camera thing worked out soon. :)" Really.