Real Name: Marlena Glenn
An explorer from planet Earth, Marlena traveled with two companions in an experimental warp ship through a dimensional rift. Crash landing on Eternia, Marlena was the ship’s only survivor, rescued from certain death by a young Captain Randor. Falling in love with him, Marlena chose to remain on Eternia as Randor’s wife and eventually serve as Queen after the end of the Great Unrest. Although her children do not suspect it, she is well aware of both Adam and Adora’s dual identities and is proud of her warrior twins. Often assigned diplomatic duties, Marlena has been trained by Duncan and Clamp Champ and has lead Randor’s armies in battle in times of need. Queen Marlena helps rule the free people of Eternia with her wisdom and strength.

Accessories: Scepter, Sword.

Additional Parts: Marlena also includes additional accessories & parts, allowing you to convert her into Captain Glenn.

And packed in at the bottom of the figure's bubble is Cringer, Prince Adam's fearless friend-

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