1.) Can you drop a little hint on next year's MOTU Classics vehicle, like maybe how many figures it can seat?
Sorry, we won’t have this information until SDCC at the earliest.
2.) Would you guys ever consider doing a 12" figure of a MOTU character with real cloth outfit and metal accessories to fit in with the 2 existing Mattycollector 12" Movie Master lines (Ghostbusters & Superman)? Of course the ultimate treat would be figures based on the 1987 MOTU film, but with those being unavailable, even a standard He-Man/ Skeletor would be neat in this scale.
If we did a 12-inch MOTU figure it would need a brand new body. The current body used for the Ghostbusters and General Zod is not bulked up for the MOTU world. It is something we have looked into, but nothing we are ready to announce.
3.) It was stated that improvements in the website buying experience would be in place for the November sale... but it seemed like it may have been worse than ever, with many fans stuck on the "white screen of death" for over an hour or more. After nearly 2 years, it is still much harder to buy these figures than it should be. You guys probably get asked this a lot, but will we ever see an improvement in this buying process, or is this as good as it is going to get?
Yes. We are constantly improving the process and will be launching a sign-in screen soon that will help out a great deal.
4.) Does Mattel have the rights to reprint the 3 issue mini-series from DC Comics? It was great to get the 2 sneak preview reprints, but many fans would love to see this reprinted as well.
This series is owned by DC comics. We have the rights to the characters but the actual series is with DC.
5.) Would you consider Eldor to be a figure we'll see "sooner" rather than "later"?
Eventually. We don’t want to give away any more details for now!
Thanks to Mattel for taking the time to do this!
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