Real Name: Dr. Moe Larrstein
When an impacted wisdom tooth or an infected molar threatens the oral health of anyone in the Dark or Light Hemispheres, Mo-Larr, Eternian Dentist, is called! Relentlessly dedicated to his craft, Mo-Larr has been known to travel to the gates of Snake Mountain itself to insist his clients keep their appointments! Whether hero or villain, it's all the same to Mo-Larr — the sworn enemy of all Eternian cavities!

Accessories: Five assorted dental tools, including @#%## drill and floss.

Notes: Mo-Larr was a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive (later available for a "short" time om Mattycollector.com) that came packaged with a "toothless Skeletor".

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Love it!!!
ReplyDeletei know the feeling when i was a kid i had the chicked pocks and i had gotten stinkor and as miserable as i was having him there the whole time really helped i had that figure for over 20 plus years and this past year someone broke into my house and stole all my vintage heman figures the sad part is i missed the ones that i got from stories like this which sadly was almost all of them.
ReplyDeleteRobot Chicken brought me here.