Real Name: Marzo Kalif
A fifth degree wizard raised by evil mystics in the Dunes of Doom, Marzo spent most of his early life learning of the many advantages of magic over technology. Seeing the suffering of warriors in the Dark Hemisphere, Marzo become convinced that Eternia would be better off with him as its leader. He staged a series of strategic uprisings across the planet and challenged King Miro™ for his crown. Unable to defeat the King’s army, Marzo used his magical amulet to banish Miro into another dimension. In their father’s absence, Miro’s royal sons heroically joined together and defeated the wizard, trapping him in the form of a powerless old man.

Accessories: Magic Amulet, Sword

Additional Pictures:

Awesome Pictures, as usual ! This axe and tree picture is amazing ! Long live to your site !
ReplyDeleteI think the new axe looks better on him than Hordak. A perfect color match for both figures though.
ReplyDeletePat> Thank you very much!
ReplyDeleteRacewinner> I agree! And since Hordak already has a "Demon Blade", I think the axe will stay with Marzo...