1.) You've said before that we will probably get a third release on the standard He-Man and Skeletor at some point down the line, but what about other figures that have already been re-issued once? Are there any figures that have had a second release already that look likely to have a third?
If figures continue to sell out we can certainly look into additional re-releases. Only time will tell. We can tell you figures are not “retired” in any sense!
2.) Prince Adam fans feel a bit of a sting when it comes to the Adam/ Orko 2 pack, as it relegates him to a hidden accessory instead of a standard carded figure. Are there any plans of doing a single carded "adult" Prince Adam (not the 200x teenage version) anywhere in the line to satisfy MOC collectors that want to display Adam in their collection? Perhaps in his blue outfit from the comics?
Adam is a pretty popular character and, in time, we could very well do this. No plans right now to announce, but it could be possible.
3.) Are there any plans on releasing She-Ra's shield in a silver color to match Adora's sword, like in an upcoming Weapons Pak perhaps?
Yes, we do have plans for a duel tone She-Ra sword. Just how it will be released is still to be announced.
4.) Some fans have had problems with Moss Man's flocking due to the kind of glue used. When you reissue Moss Man, will you be using the same glue or is there a chance you'll reconsider the type of glue used?
We have passed this comment onto design and we will explore the possibility of improved glue if there is a re-release of Moss Man.
5.) She-Ra is a great figure, but her restricted hip movement is a little bothersome and has many fans worried about how she'll fit on Swift Wind. Was her compatibility with Swift Wind taken into consideration when designing her? It doesn't seem like there will be a good way to fit her on her steed, if and when he gets released.
Toy Guru actually had dinner with the Horsemen while at Philly Con and one of the many things they discussed was this very issue. Not to worry, when we get to Swiftwind, She-Ra will be able to sit on her mount!
Q: Can you answer a question straight?
ReplyDeleteA: It could be possible.
-Ryan Hipp
"If" Moss-Man is re-released?! Didn't they confirm a re-release after he sold out in 2 seconds and everyone was freaking out?